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  4. How to white/black list domain/email from Anti spam?

How to white/black list domain/email from Anti spam?

Today, internet usage has become an unavoidable situation, and many business people are focusing on websites and emails to promote their business. Emails are the best way to contact your customers and advertise your products, and there is a huge network running behind emails. The major factor that causes damage through email is spam, and people have to be very careful. Generally, spam is unwanted mail sent to a bulk amount of users, and accidentally sometimes, people may report ordinary mail as spam. You will see How to white/black list domain/email from Anti-spam in this post.

What is an email blacklist? 

Over 100 emails, at least ten spam emails will be there, and it is necessary to avoid that. To prevent this spam email problem, the internet service provider’s work with more dedication and only the result of their dedicated work is email blacklist. Blacklist means representing something that is not good to be in usage. The domain name and mail id that is sending continuous spam mail can be blacklisted and these lists were carefully maintained by anti-spam groups and some other independent operators. It is also known as RBL or DNSBL, and the domain name will be blacklisted when the mails sent by them get continuously reported as spam.

How does email blacklist work? 

It is a good step made by IPS and the Anti-spam group to maintain the blacklist to reduce the spam activity, and you has to know how it is working.

  • Recycled spam traps – These are the email addresses that are not in usage for long days but once valid. The message sent to these addresses also gets bounced by the receiving server for a minimum of 1 year and more before they are reactivated as spam trap addresses.
  • Typo Traps – These are similar to recycle spam traps where the addresses were never opened or clicked any messages. It is a recipient list with user errors like spelling mistakes on that mail name.
  • Pristine Traps – These are other email addresses that have never been active in usage after signing up to reactive emails.

How to whitelist an email in Gmail? 

Like a blacklist in emails, there is a whitelist which is exactly the opposite of a blacklist. It means a particular email address has been allowed into the inbox without being filtered into spam. With Gmail as your email provider, it is simple to whitelist a sender for future communication, and you need to follow the process listed here.

Step1:  In the top right corner of the Gmail screen, click the setting button.

Step2: You have to find the way to be labelled “filtered and blocked addresses” for the existing filters information.

Step3: Enter the domains or emails you want to whitelist after selecting the “create a new filter”.

Steo4: To approve the new filter, you need to click “create filter”, and by following that, mark the “Never send to spam” to whitelist every email within the filter.

How to avoid obtaining into an email blacklist

  1. Avoid spam email content: 

Some keywords are strongly associated with spam and should be avoided. Some examples include free, money, risk-free, apply now, and so on. In addition, the over use of exclamation marks and other punctuation, as well as the capitalization of words, screams spam. You have to be careful with these factors and never ignore them to avoid these things in your content.

  1. Increase your email engagement:

Email engagement, defined as email open and reply rates, is critical in determining whether an email is spam or not. Because nearly all spam email has a very low email engagement, if you have extremely low email metrics, an ISP may believe you are sending spam. It is always best to be active with your emails, and one of the complaints regarding spam mail is self-focused mails and better avoid that and start to focus on problem solutions.

  1. Watch your email campaign’s bounce rate:

A high bounce rate is a quick way to get your domain added to an email blacklist. So kindly keep track of it and keep it fewer than 5%. Make sure you have a process to validate the data regularly and check to see if the email addresses are still active. Remove bounced addresses from your campaigns to avoid sending follow-ups to them. Regular checking is always necessary to maintain your email address out of the blacklist.

  1. Avoid purchasing lists:

Avoid purchasing email lists since they are typically infested with old and irrelevant emails, as well as spam baits from blacklists. These lists will reduce the conversion rate of your campaign and prove to be more expensive in the long run. Instead, choose dependable on-demand quality data partners.

  1. Customize your message: 

The major mistake by many email senders is they might use the same template message to their prospects. It may lead your mail address to blacklist because spammers usually do. You need to bring uniqueness in your message writing, which is proof to ISP’s that you are not a scammer. At the same time, it will increase your email engagement also.


  1. Segment your lists: 

Separate your prospects into different lists to ensure they receive a related email copy. It allows you to take email personalization further, avoiding spam complaints. You can create completely different campaigns to target various levels of seniority, departments, industries, or even geographical locations. Each will have diverse pain points or business requirements to tailor your message.

Steps to white/black list domain/email from Anti-spam

Step1: Click on the black/white list for the black/white list sender.

Step2: Once you click on that message, you can easily see details of emails like who is sending and to whom they are sending, date and status etc.

Step3: You can change the email action to either a blacklist or whitelist by clicking on the view of the black/white list sender.

Step4: Once you select the action, enter the email address or domain name in the “VALUE” file and click on the save.

Final thoughts:

It is very simple to add a domain name or email address in blacklist or whitelist, but you have to acquire some essential knowledge about it, and those are well-mentioned above for you in this post. After learning the details about the blacklist, try to avoid getting your email address into the blacklist. If you want to add a domain name to any list, follow the steps explained above.

Updated on December 19, 2021

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