- Begin by launching Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Mac.

2.On the menu bar at the top of the screen, click “Outlook”then click “Preferences”.


4.When prompted, select “Other Email”.

5.Enter the following:
- Enter your email address ([email protected]) under “E-mail address”.
- Enter your password (central user ID password) under “Password”.
- Enter your email address ([email protected]) under “User name”.
- Select “IMAP” under “Type”.
- Enter “outlook.office365.com” : “993” under “Incoming server” and ensure that “Override default port” and “Use SSL to connect (recommended)” is selected.
- Enter “smtp.office365.com” : “465” under “Outgoing server” and ensure that “Override default port” and “Use SSL to connect (recommended)” is selected.
- Click”AddAccount”.

6.Your email configuration is complete! Close all windows from the set up and relaunch the application.