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  3. How to download FileZilla?

How to download FileZilla?

Filezilla can be downloaded from the URL: http://filezilla-project.org/

Once you finish downloading and installing FileZilla on your local machine configure it using thesettings mentioned below:

1. FTP Host: yourdomainname.com

2. FTP Login: CPanel username

3. FTP Password: CPanel password

4. FTP Upload Folder: public_html

5. FTP Port: 21

You need to upload all files into “public_html” folder. If you face any problems while uploadingthen please refer to FileZilla wiki at the following URL: http://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Main_Page

Be sure to create an index file for your home page, this can be index.htm, index.html,index.php, etc. Please note our Linux servers are case sensitive so index.htm and Index.htm are two separate files. Index.htm will not be recognized as the default first page. It must be index.htm (.html, .php, etc.) in lowercase.

Updated on April 15, 2020

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