What is a redemption fee?

A redemption fee is charged when a domain has expired and enters Redemption Grace Period (RGP).

If your domain name has expired, it may still be possible to renew it. Once a domain name has reached its expiry date, it will enter a Grace Period. Domains can be renewed within this period. At the end of the Grace Period, domains not renewed then enter a period called Redemption Grace Period (RGP). This is a thirty (30) day period that begins after a Registrar requests that a Registry deletes a domain. Domains can still be renewed within RGP but in addition to any applicable registration or renewal fees for the domain, the RGP fee charged by us is $250 to renew the domain.

To ensure your domains are renewed on time, it is recommended that you enable auto-renew. You need to have a valid credit card connected to your account in order to enable auto-renew.

NOTE: The renewal, redemption, and restoration processes of Country Code Domain Registries vary and are subject to each respective Registry’s policies and procedures.

Updated on September 12, 2019

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