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  4. What is Mod_security and how to disable it
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  4. What is Mod_security and how to disable it

What is Mod_security and how to disable it

How to disable mod_security and why it is not recommended? 

 ModSecurity is an open-source web-based firewall application (or WAF). WAF is an application firewall used for HTTP applications. ModSecurity is supported by different web servers like Apache, Nginx and IIS. With over 70% of all attacks now carried out over the web application level and organizations need every help they can get in making their systems secure.

 Disable Mod-Security in cPanel 

 If the rules of the mod-security tools are interfering with the operations of the website and you do not find modification of rules then the best solution is to disable mod-security. 

 Here we can discuss about how to disable ModSecurity in your cPanel interface. 

 1) Login to your cPanel account. 

 2) Go to the section ‘Security’. 

disable mod_security 

3) Click the icon ‘ModSecurity’. 

 disable mod_security 


4) Here you can see the option for enabling the ModSecurity. Click the button ‘Disable’. 

disable mod_security 

Now you can see a message ‘ModSecurity is disabled for all of your domains. 

 5) You can also disable mod_security for a particular domain, Select the domain you want to disable mod_security and click ‘Off’ button to disable. 

Disable mod_security using .htaccess file 

Create a .htaccess file in the root of your web directory. Then add the following: 

<IfModule mod_security.c> 

 SecFilterEngine Off 

 SecFilterScanPOST Off 


We will not recommend to disable Mod-Security on your account. Mod_security module helps to protect your website from various attacks. If mod-security is disabled on your account, your website will be at risk from vulnerabilities. Once mod_security is turned off for an account, we will not take any responsibility of hacking the domain, database hacking, data manipulation and other activities which mod_security can prevent. 

Updated on July 14, 2023

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