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  3. How to use the IP Blocker in cPanel
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  3. How to use the IP Blocker in cPanel

How to use the IP Blocker in cPanel

  • How to use the IP Blocker in cPanel
  • This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.
  • Now let’s learn how to use the IP Blocker.
  • Click the IP Blocker icon.
  • Enter an IP address or range you would like to block, then click Add.
  • That’s it! We’ve now blocked anyone using the IP address from accessing our website.
  • You can see which IP addresses are currently being blocked.
  • … and you can remove IP blocks by clicking here.
  • This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to block IP addresses from accessing your website.
Updated on November 26, 2022

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