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  4. How to create the .well-known folder? (Linux and windows )
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  4. How to create the .well-known folder? (Linux and windows )
  1. Home
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  3. Windows Hosting
  4. How to create the .well-known folder? (Linux and windows )
  1. Home
  2. Hosting & Servers
  3. Web Hosting
  4. How to create the .well-known folder? (Linux and windows )

How to create the .well-known folder? (Linux and windows )

We will provide instructions on how to create the .well-known folder for various server types:

Linux based servers (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS)

  1. Go to the root directory of your website
  2. Create a directory called “.well-known“
  3. Inside it, create another folder called “pki-validation“
  4. Upload the TXT file inside the “pki-validation” directory


  1. Log into WHM, or skip this step if you don’t have WHM
  2. Locate and log into the cPanel account for your domain name
  3. Click on “File Manager”
  4. Choose the “Web Root (public_html/www)” option and click “Go.”
  5. Create a new folder called .well-known
  6. Inside that folder create another folder called: pki-validation
  7. Upload your TXT file inside the pki-validation folder.

IIS (Windows based )

Windows based servers do not allow you to place a dot in a folder name, therefore you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the C: drive
  2. Create a new folder called well-known
  3. Inside the well-known folder, create another folder named pki-validation
    so far, your folders should look like this: C:\well-known\pki-validation
  4. Upload the TXT file in the pki-validation folder
  5. Open the IIS Manager on your server
  6. Do a right click on your website and select Add Virtual Directory
  7. In the Alias section write .well-known
  8. In the Psychical Path area enter the path to the well known folder. For example:
  9. Press OK to create this alias

For all server types, if you did everything correctly, you should be able open the following URL and see the hash code along with “comodoca.com” in any web browser.



Updated on April 21, 2020

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