Once the SSL Certificate has been imported it is important to now bind the SSL Certificate to your website so that the website functions correctly. Your SSL Certificate will not function until the following steps are completed.
Step 1 : Click “Start”, “Administrative Tools” and then choose Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Step 2 : Click on the server name and expand the “Sites” folder.
Step 3 : Locate your website (usually this will be called “Default Web Site”) and click on it.
Step 4 : From the “Actions” menu (on the right) click on “Site Bindings” or similar.
Step 5. In the “Site Bindings” window, click “Add” or similar. This will open the “Add Site Binding” window.
Step 6 : Under “Type” choose https. The IP address should be the corresponding dedicated IP address of the site or “All Unassigned”. The “Port” which traffic will be secured by SSL is usually 443. The “SSL Certificate” field should specify the SSL Certificate that was installed during the import process above.
Step 7 : Click “OK”.