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  3. DIY Website Builder
  4. Can I create a website without knowing how to program?

Can I create a website without knowing how to program?

Anyone can learn how to create a website because user-friendliness is now a requirement for website development. Today, as opposed to 20 years ago, creativity and common sense are sufficient to launch your website-building endeavor.

The ability to design a website can be learned by being familiar with the fundamental features of website builders and their tools. It is feasible to rely on usability and straightforward interfaces, however it is advised that you understand the following fundamentals:

Basic HTML is a programming language designed for creating websites. concentrating primarily on content;
Basic CSS – A programming language made specifically for presentation and graphics.

You put yourself ahead of the game in terms of fault detecting and rectification by mastering the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. If none of the aforementioned interests you, you still have the means to create a fantastically useful website.

Updated on September 12, 2023

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