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  3. Backup for cPanel 
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  3. Backup for cPanel 

Backup for cPanel 


You can download and save a backup of your website using the Backup interface in Web Hosting. You can also restore your website from a backup file using this interface.


  • The Backup Wizard interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Backup Wizard) might be more appealing to novice users.
  • The backup files are kept in the system as tarballs with the.tar.gz file extension. Read our Backup Tarball Contents guide to learn more about the contents of backup files.
  • Some options are only accessible if your hosting company’s server profile has them enabled.

Full Backup 

To generate, download, or save a full backup file, click Download a Full Web Site Backup in this section. The UI for generating a full backup will now display.


  • The cPanel interface does not allow you to restore your website using a full backup file. For support, get in touch with your hosting company.
  • Before attempting to restore the backup file, you must first decompress it.
  • You can upload and restore specific sections of your website that are contained in the full backup file after you have decompressed the backup file.
  • The system’s inability to write required files, like a database lock file, may cause the backup process for an account that is close to or over its quota to fail.

Generate a Full Backup 

To create a new full backup, perform the following steps: 

  1. From the Backup Destination menu, pick a storage option:
  • Choose this option to save the backup file to the server’s home directory.
  • Selecting this option will allow you to use FTP to save the backup file on a remote server.
  • Remote FTP Server (passive mode transfer) – Choose this option to save the backup file on a distant server using passive FTP.
  • Secure Copy (SCP) — By choosing this option, the backup file will be stored on a remote server using the secure copy protocol (SCP).
  1. Select a notification setting: 
  • Type your email address in the provided text box to be notified when the backup is complete.
  • Select Do not send email notification of backup completion if you do not want to be notified.
  1. Enter the details of the remote destination in the relevant text boxes if you choose Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (passive mode transfer), or Secure Copy (SCP) from the Backup Destination menu.

Account Backups 

To download an existing full backup file to your computer, select the desired backup file’s filename from the Account Backups menu. 


The backup file uses the backup-MM-DD-YYYY format, where MM is the month, DD is the day, and YYYY is the four-digit year. 

Partial Backups 

Partially backed up accounts save specific areas of your account in Web Hosting.

Download a partial backup 

Click the desired items to download that particular item. Using this technique, the backup file is downloaded to your computer as a.gz file.


Only the domain account-level email filters from the /etc/vfilters/$domain file are stored in the Email Filters backup files. User account-level email filters are not stored in the backup file.

Restore a partial backup 

To use a partial backup to restore a portion of your website, perform the following steps: 

    1. Select the appropriate heading, then click Choose File. For instance, choose Choose File under the Restore a MySQL Database heading to restore a MySQL® database.
    2. From your PC, choose the backup file.
    3. To update that section of your website, click Upload.

Home Directory backup file contents 

When you back up your /home directory, the backup file includes the following files: 

  • All of the files that you own. 
  • Files that you do not own, but can access. 


Updated on October 11, 2023

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