Landing page layout To change your website layout into Landing, click on the >> Settings icon in the website builder, and mark Landing....
All my components (text, photos, buttons, etc.) disappeared when I changed the template Each template has its own default elements and each element is placed differently per template. So, after changing the template,...
New template is shown or website builder asks to choose a template instead of showing my website 1. You accidentally pressed “Reset” or “Change template” button. Check if you have manual or automatic backup enabled. Hover on...
Can’t add a new items in Wide/Tablet/Mobile website versions Add or change elements you can in the Desktop version only. Everything you add in Desktop will appear in Wide/Tablet/Mobile...
How to Add files (ex.: .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .mp3, .gif, etc.) to your website 1. Mark text which you make as .pdf link 2. Press the Link icon 3. Choose .pdf file from your...
Move website/account to another server If you migrate one or more websites/accounts to another server then some changes might be needed in builder for a...
Bing map error Please check – have you inserted the Bing Maps API key to map’s properties (right-click on map in site builder)....
Can’t find destination folder If this error is thrown during publication then it means that builder cannot open folder where the website is meant...
“Server error” during Save or Publish To solve this problem please take the following steps: 1. Open builder in Chrome or Firefox browser 2. Open developer...
Error loading page. Try again later. To solve this problem please take the following steps: 1. Open builder in Chrome or Firefox browser 2. Open developer...